quarta-feira, 19 de junho de 2013

Who the fuck you think you are? (Quem você pensa que é?)

In an unfortunate comment, FIFA President Joseph Blatter said that "football is stronger than the dissatisfaction of the people"

Have respect for us Brazilians!

The government of Brazil has to learn to demonstrate respect for the Brazilian people and expel this jerk of our country!


 Go back to your country, you are not welcome here!

Num comentário infeliz, o presidente da FIFA Joseph Blatter disse que "O futebol é mais forte que a insatisfação das pessoas"

Tenha respeito por nós brasileiros!

O governo do Brasil  tem  que aprender a demostrar respeito pelo povo brasileiro e expulsar esse imbecil do  nosso país!

FORA BLATTER!  Volte pro seu país, você não é bem vindo aqui!

See more/Veja mais:

Brazil is tired of corruption and neglect (O Brasil está cansado de corrupção e descaso)

10 motivos para se indignar com a corrupção! (10 reasons to be angry because of corruption in Brazil!)

(Clique na foto para ampliar - click on the photo to enlarge)

With 85 billion dollars embezzled by corrupt Brazilians in the last year, it would be possible to:

- Eradicate poverty

- Pay 17 million courses of chemotherapy

- Pay 34 million daily in Intensive Care Units in the best hospitals

- Build 241 kilometers of subway

- Build 36,000 km of highways

- Build 1.5 million homes

- 1.2 percentage point reduction in the interest rate

- Give each brazilian a prize of R$443 

- 2 million fund scholarships for Masters

- Buy 18 million luxury handbags (those as the same the corrupt give as gift to their  wives and lovers)

* choose one of the above alternatives