segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013

The 5 causes and the 5 lies (As 5 causas e as 5 mentiras)

Os vídeos deste post estão em Português, vou apenas colocar a tradução em inglês pro pessoal de fora. (The videos are in Portuguese, I'll just put the translation for outsiders.)

The 5 causes of Brazil (The 5 causes)

What we want for the moment:

- Veto PEC 37;

- Immediate output of Renan Calheiros from the presidency of the Congress;

- Research and punish irregularities in works Cup, to be investigated by the Federal Police and the Prosecutors;

- A law that makes corruption a heinous crime;

- End of special jurisdiction because it is an outrage to Article 5 of the Brazilian Constitution.

The 5 lies of President Dilma:

 Brazil woke up, woke up to a new era of fighting against corruption and injustice.

Woke up to fight for better public services, this giant is no longer asleep and requires much more than an empty pronouncement of the Brazilian President.

You have talked, Dilma, now is the time to hear us.

1st - Dilma says that political and economic constraints her to do better: it's a LIE, Dilma has the largest base of political support in the history of Brazil, she has not done more and better  because she does not want to or maybe it's incompetence.

2nd - Dilma says that everybody knows  that she does not tolerate corruption: it's a LIE, she took back to the Government all parties and leaders accused of corruption.

3rd - Dilma says she will propose the governors and mayors a program of urban mobility that favors public transportation. We have heard this story of urban mobility plan before, it was named PAC mobility and was announced by you, Dilma. The prediction was that it was going to be ready for the Confederations Cup and it's not.

4th - Dilma says there's no public money invested in the construction of arenas that will host World Cup games: it's a LIE, cash Cup does not come out of nowhere, came rather from the federal budget even if in the form of loans, these loans were made to large contractors who had enough money to do the work themselves. If only those who buy ticket can watch the game, why  the entire population must pay the stadium?

5th - Dilma says that she increased investment in public health: it's a LIE, 10 years since the PT took the federal government, by contrast, has reduced investments in health.

We do not need more circus Cup, Dilma. We want much more than this and we want it now.

sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013

The World must know (O mundo precisa saber)

Please, watch the video to know why we Brazilians are so angry.


Este é um vídeo que explica rapidamente para os estrangeiros alguns dos importantes problemas que temos aqui, relacionados com saúde, educação, copa, corrupção, miséria, etc...que todos nós brasileiros sabemos tão bem.

A partir da semana que vem, volto com as postagens normais do blog.


quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2013

Inverno 2013! (Winter 2013!)

Hoje é o dia oficial do nosso Inverno aqui no Hemisfério Sul!

Ah, como eu adoro o tivesse neve como lá em cima, aí, seria um Inverno perfeito!

Não aquela neve que impede as pessoas de sair de casa ou que causa tragédias nas estradas, não. Aquela neve suave, que forra as calçadas e ruas de tantas cidades, de tantos países.

Today is the official day of our Winter here in the Southern Hemisphere!

Oh, how I love Winter .... if I had snow like up there, there would be a perfect winter!

Not that snow that prevents people from leaving home or causing tragedies on the roads, no, but that soft snow that lines the sidewalks and streets of many cities in many countries.

Por que gosto de Inverno e de neve? Porque já morei onde tinha neve quando criança, e minhas lembranças são as melhores: fazer bolas e brincar de jogar com as outras crianças, sentar num pedaço de madeira e deslizar rua abaixo, tomar chocolate quente, esquentar pés e mãos quase congelados na lareira, tomar sopa bem quente......muitas lembranças boas.

No Hemisfério Norte o Inverno também trás o Natal, outra época que gosto bastante.

Aqui no Brasil temos a Região Sul do país que pode ser bem gelada nesta época do ano e onde temos um pouco de geada em algumas cidades. A paisagem fica linda!

Saudades da neve.

Bom, o jeito é imaginar que estou num país bem frio....

Beijos e preparem os cobertores!

Why do I love Winter and snow? Because I had snow where I lived as a child, and my memories are the best: making snow balls and play with other children, sitting on a piece of wood and sliding down the street, drinking hot chocolate, warming my feet and hands (almost frozen) in the fireplace, having a piping hot soup ...... many fond memories.

In the Northern Hemisphere Winter also brings Christmas, another time I quite like.

Here in Brazil, in the Southern Region of the country, can be very cold this time of year and there may be a bit of frost in some cities. The scenery is beautiful!

Oh,I miss the snow.

Well, all I can  do is to pretend that I'm in a very cold country ....

Kisses! and prepare the blankets!